Fundamentals of Simulation Methods (with Philipp Girichidis, MVComp1, master core course, Monday and Friday, 9:15 – 11:00, at INF 226 HS1 and HS2, respectively) LINK
Star Formation Theory (MVRS, research seminar & group meeting, Wednesday 11:30, hybrid)
Current topics of Milky Way Research (MVRS, research seminar, Thursday 9:00, online)
Star Formation Theory (MVRS, research seminar & group meeting, Wednesday 11:30, hybrid/online)
Current topics of Milky Way Research (MVRS, research seminar, Thursday 9:00, hybrid/online) Depending on the ever changing Corona situation the seminars will be held in hybrid or in full online format.
Star Formation Theory (MVRS, research seminar & group meeting, Wednesday 11:00, hybrid/online)
Current topics of Milky Way Research (MVRS, research seminar, Thursday 9:00, hybrid/online) Depending on the ever changing Corona situation the seminars will be held in hybrid or in full online format.
Summer Semester 2021
Introduction to Computer Physics (UKWR2, course with Rainer Spurzem, lecture Wednesday 9:15 – 11:00 and Friday 11:15 – 12:00, online)
Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics (MVAstro2, master course with Stefan Jordan, lecture Thursday 14:15 – 16:00, tutorial Thursday 16:00 – 17:30, online)
Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics (MVAstro2, master course with Stefan Jordan, lecture Thursday 14:15 – 16:00, tutorial Thursday 16:00 – 17:30, online)
Star Formation Theory (MVRS, research seminar & group meeting, Wednesday 11:00, online)
Current Topics of Milky Way Research (MVRS, research seminar, Thursday 11:15, online) Due to Corona pandemic all lectures, seminars, and tutorials are held online. For details, please consult the individual course pages.
WINTER Semester 2020/2021
Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics (block course MVAstro2 with Stefan Jordan, lectures and tutorials from March 9 – 17, 2021, online) LINK
Star Formation Theory (MVRS, research seminar & group meeting, Wednesday 11:00, online) Due to the Corona pandemic, all lectures, seminars, and tutorials are held as online courses. For details, please consult the individual course pages.
Summer Semester 2020
Introduction to Computer Physics (UKWR2, course with Rainer Spurzem, lecture Wednesday 9:15 – 11:00 and Friday 11:15 – 12:00, online) LINK
Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics (MVAstro2, master course with Stefan Jordan, lecture Thursday 14:15 – 16:00, tutorial Thursday 16:00 – 17:30, online) LINK
Star Formation Theory (MVRS, research seminar & group meeting, Wednesday 11:00, online) Due to the Corona pandemic, all lectures, seminars, and tutorials are held as online courses. For details, please consult the individual course pages.
Winter Semester 2019/2020
Fundamentals of Simulation Methods (MVComp1, master core course: Tuesday and Thursday, 9:15 – 11:00, INF 308, HS2) LINK
Star Formation Theory (MVRS, research seminar & group meeting, Wednesday, 11:15, ITA old library )
Summer Semester 2019
Astronomical Colloquium (with Diederik Kruijssen) LINK
Introduction to Computer Physics (UKWR2, course with Rainer Spurzem) LINK
Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics (MVAstro2, master course with Stefan Jordan) LINK